Serious Games Developers

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Games for real-world lessons / Play it for real.

Games have gone beyond entertainment and fun to become a great medium to develop learning experiences, build knowledge, boost creativity, sharpen skills and influence behavior of the workforce. Yes, ‘serious games’ have emerged as the new vehicles of learning and training employees across business, military, healthcare, education and other key sectors of society. Serious games, based on real data and compelling gameplays, driven by instructional goals, powered by avant-garde technologies and providing different real-life scenario simulations can be rich medium to engage, motivate and train your workforce.

We can make games work for business, because we understand the business of gaming.

Why Serious Games?

Serious Games offer following benefits over traditional methods-

  • Personalized experience with capability to play anytime.
  • Control to players, in a safe environment, to experience, experiment and learn.
  • Virtual learning environments to visualize and solve complex real-life problems through collaboration.
  • Challenges, rewards and recognition to motivate learning.
  • Improved training effectiveness, better learning outcomes and higher knowledge retention for participants.

Serious Games on Mobile

The efficacy of serious games as a potent learning medium is proven beyond doubt. And mobile takes it to the next level. The ubiquity and growing usage of mobile devices in the organizations makes it a perfect platform for problem-solving and training. The possibilities are endless with games on project management, sales training, financial management and leadership for businesses etc., to games on war strategies, military defense and urban warfare etc. For military, you can build mobile games around most processes, problems, emotions and environments.

Why us ?

[x]cube Games is an award-winning, mobile game development studio with proven expertise in mobile games covering a broad spectrum of genres and categories. We can help you harness the power of mobile technology with simulating real-life environments to provide engaging gaming solutions, perfectly customized and aligned to your needs.

Talk to us >>

[x]cube GAMES is a contract mobile game developer, specializing in social & serious games.
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